The Lost Boys: The Tribe Poster

Date Rewatched: 8/1/2023

Gay: 5/10. Lesbian vampires but they're weird... fetishistic like lesbian vampire killers.

Twilight Influences: some I guess

Enjoyment: 3/10. This is a mediocre, but sometimes funny, vampire film but it is not a good lost boys film. If this movie stood on its own I might love it, she can't EAT people she's a VEGITARIAN! But then Corey Feldman had to come in to fuck it up. I like the main siblings a lot even though that girl is not 17 but making it lost boys made it bad. Anyways I love the beach scene (what he's trying to say is.. we're vampires) and the scene where the girl drank blood off another girl's stomach was cool and the fact that Sam is in the end credits. That was the best scene, shame about Corey Haim.

Vampires: Ok. There's this era of "alt" vampires around this time that all look and act pretty much the same and I'm kinda sick of it. The main vampire is boring, they do the bony face thing so little I was worried they took it out of the movie, and now they turn to dust??? Not to mention how weird the bony faces are now. (they literally inspired btvs's vampires and then they ruined it). Still they look kinda cool when they DO vamp out. 6/10

Sire Rule: Sire rule exists.

Representative of 2000s? Sadly

Relative Popularity? Small.


