The Lost Boys Poster

Date Rewatched: 2/4/2023

Gay: 9/10. I can't give full marks because its not enough for most normal people to see, but thank you Joel.

Enjoyment: 10/10. This might be the best vampire movie ever. The way that there are two distinct groups who see this movie very differently. Every vampire is so swag and even the kids, who are less interesting, are very fun. I love how much of a gay psychological torment it is for michael and ooh! those christian themes witht he songs and the vampire reverence. Damn, people ARE strange and this movie is so great. I love you Star, I love you David, and I especially love you Michael.

Vampires: Dude, DUDE! They created my vampire benchmark. They're so goddamn gorgeous and raw. They're monsters, proper fucking monsters, and they're so very swag. All of their outfits and their base and their hair. God, 10/10 immaculate.

Sire Rule: There is a sire rule to cure vampirism.

Representative of 1980s? Yes completely

Relative Popularity? The most popular vampire movie of generation X. People who are younger have seen twilight people who are older have only seen this.


