The Lost Boys: The Thirst Poster

Date Watched: 8/1/2023

Gay: 0/10

Twilight Influences: Big time, Twilight parody exists

Enjoyment: 0/10. This movie broke me. This movie is why I was able to finally watch Angel. I've already gone so low it can't get worse. Just writing this I have a headache. Why did they bring Allan Frog back? Why is there a random werewolf? Why is Stephanie Meyer dating a guy who looks 14 and is immortal? Why does X give blood out? And most importantly, why is Edgar Frog the protagonist? That didn't need to happen, my god. This movie is 80 minutes of Corey Feldman sucking his own dick and I hope I never watch it again.

Vampires: I mean they're basically the same. I just don't know why Allan Frog is still around working with his brother. The part with the senator at the start was neat but overall the vampires are just the same. Less visceral. 4/10

Sire Rule: Sire rule exists.

Representative of 2010s? Yeah

Relative Popularity? Gracefully unknown.


