Love Bites

Date Watched: 3/5/2023

Gay: 0/10. Not much there really

Enjoyment: 4/10. I'm... disappointed. For a movie that brags about Adam Ant it had no good music at all. The story is kinda similar to Rockula except also not at all. I didn't care for the becoming human aspect past the initial funny fis out of water scenes and I didn't understand the middle at all. Overall, the movie really kinda sucked and not in the good way. I had some fun with the love story but there wasn't much there.

Vampires: I liked the girl but she's no drusilla. The main vampire was cute but way lame. Idk if it's the accent or... everything else but he really fucking sucks and his look isn't that great but some points for hair. 2/10 it would be better if he sang.

Sire Rule: No sire rule but vampires are turned after many bites (don't have to drink a vampire's blood)

Representative of 1990s? Meh

Relative Popularity? No one seems to care


