Fright Night Part 2 poster

Date Watched: 11/16/2023

Gay: 4/10. It's still Fright Night but there's less opportunities.

Enjoyment: 10/10. There is less gay but it was still better for me. I love Regine and I love her boyfriend in drag and I like the female lead of this one waaayy more. This movie is just so fun, a sequel that really stands up to the original, it is truly part 2. It is so much better for the lead to be a performance artists rather than just some guy and I would 100% go to the vampire party.

Vampires: They are gorgeous baby!! They do a little less with them than in the first movie but its because Brewster is being gaslit. I was worried they wouldn't do the gore but they came through! I love it. 9/10.

Sire Rule: Yes sire rule.

Representative of 1980s? YEAH

Relative Popularity? Meh. No one really knows about it.


