Fright Night 2011 poster

Date Watched: 10/12/2022

Date Rewatched: 11/20/2023

Gay: 1/10. It's still Fright Night?

Twilight Influences: Not much actually. I think they mention it once?

Enjoyment: 4/10. Both times I've tried to watch it, both before and after the original, I've just kinda gotten bored. Colin Ferrel IS giving it his all and David Tennant sure is there but it doesn't work that well for me. Maybe it's the crispness and CGI or maybe its the boring looking and acting main characters, but Christ I just can't pay attention.

Vampires: They ARE kinda cool but in a vaguely Twilight way. But all of it is taken away by the CGI, makes any effect 10x more boring. I do like the scene where the nerdy friend turns though, it's cool. Alright, I'll give 'em a 6/10.

Sire Rule: There is the sire rule

Representative of 2010s? Yeah :/

Relative Popularity? I would say it has descent fame for a vampire movie.


