Lesbian Vampire Killers Poster

Date Watched: 1/4/2023

Gay: 3/10 The lesbian vampires are lame and this is how I found out James Cordon isn't actually gay like I've thought for over 5 years

Twilight Influences: surprisingly none

Enjoyment: 3/10. Once I realized what it was I got so bored. I'll probably end up rewatching it sometime but its not good. Tries to trick you into thinking it is.

Vampires: Some cgi, some practical. They're colorful and well dressed but not spectacular. CUM BLOOD >:(. If you don't know what that means look up Lesbian Vampire Killers Vampire Blood or just watch the very bad movie. 4/10

Sire Rule: There is the sire rule as a plot device. All my homies hate using the sire rule as a plot device. Anyways they cure the lesbians of vampirism.

Representative of 2000s? Yes :'(

Relative Popularity? I have only heard one other person talk about it because it is The Worst James Cordon movie.


