Hotel Transylvania 3 poster

Date Rewatched: 1/25/2023

Gay: 0/10. Second verse same as the thirst.

Twilight Influences: Yes for spider monkey for some reason??

Enjoyment: 6/10. The plot makes no sense and there are too many plotlines thanks to all the characters. I still think the blob gets too much attention and Erica is not a great villain. She should have been more of a twist and her father is so boring. Additionally, the lore gets worse. The best part of this movie is the wolfman and his wife being elated at the concept of daycare. The worst part is everything to do with Erica and Dracula.

Vampires: More inconsistent lore, more adam sandler, mavis gets really bad.. 6/10

Sire Rule: No sire rule, no sires

Representative of 2010s? ...Yeah, especially the escalation and sequels

Relative Popularity? It's still Hotel Transylvania and most kids I know have seen it.


