Hotel Transylvania 2 poster

Date Rewatched: 1/24/2023

Gay: 0/10 Lost all gay points entirely

Twilight Influences: some.

Enjoyment: 7/10. It's just not that amazing or original. Mavis and Johnny have a weird story, the lore is all inconsistent, and the interracial/gay metaphor really does not work. Still I love the character designs and the grandpa and Bela the villain but they should've been in it more. All together, the movie doesn't feel very succinct.

Vampires: They have the same design but something is off. Just how the other vampires they meet are never dangerous who do vampires even exist, really? Why do they have to be vampires in this one? Dropping down for inconsistent and plot relevant lore (the stupid pictures. Why aren't drac and mavis shown in the wedding picture but dracula is in the video that goes viral?) 8/10

Sire Rule: No sires in this series

Representative of 2010s? Yeah

Relative Popularity? Very.


