Day Shift poster

Date Watched: 1/31/2023

Gay: 0/10. I like the movie so I'm sorry.

Twilight Influences: some for sure but more buffy and lost boys.

Enjoyment: 7/10. I like the vampires a lot but I don't like the Franco twink, Seth. I think he could've been better but he did get to be a vampire.. I liked seeing snoop dog and the hunters' union but really this movie is all about the action. It's really well choreographed and filmed and lit. The BULLET SCENE! It's fucking insane and the way the wire is such a chekhov's gun it's amazing. Plus the main vampire was hot.

Vampires: Mix of CGI and practical but I'm seeing a LOT of lost boys influences. They look kinda like zombies or the morbius vampires but they kinda have style. They're the perfect mix of grotesque and realistic and their faces can shift. I just don't care about the different breeds. 6/10

Sire Rule: Explicitly no sire rule but powerful sires make powerful vampires.

Representative of 2020s? Too soon to tell

Relative Popularity? Meh. Some people have seen it and I think they put it on the netflix featured for a while but it's not too popular and most people online just care about snoop dog (and he does have the best line.. and the song he has in it is really good)


