Date Watched: 5/30/2023
Gay: 0/10
Twilight Influences: None
Enjoyment: 6/10. It's kinda a good movie but it's not a great vampire movie. I like the Alaska thing it's inventive but I had a hard time paying attention Way too action movie for me but the acting was good and I liked the vampires. There's just a LOT of action. It's all action. 30 days of action. But I always fall for sunicide
Vampires: There's a lot of blood and I like how mangy they look but they're just a tiny bit zombie. They're good for an action movie but there's no sexuality and no sire rule. Love a good self sacrifice though. 6/10
Sire Rule No sire rule
Representative of 2000s? Definitely
Relative Popularity? I think it's pretty famous