Morbius 2022 Poster

Date Watched: 10/18/2022

Gay: 0/10. You'll never be venom.

Twilight Influences: None

Enjoyment: 2/10. It's morbin time. I really wanted to rank this lower but it's just too competent. Sure I never want to rewatch it and now I've done that twice but now that I have some perspective, it's not that bad. It is in no way a good movie or a fun vampire movie but it is decent at being a movie. It's really just boring. Apart from a handful of terrible line deliveries and the have sex ekse scen there's just nothing there. But it's not that bad.

Vampires: See this is difficult. It is in no way basic but it's also so ugly. I hate the cgi but everything besides the face is kinda cool. They use it in a boring way but it looks so cool. 4/10

Sire Rule: No sire rule

Representative of 2020s? too early to tell.

Relative Popularity? Very well known but no one has seen it.


