You can only watch this movie online because it was never really released besides being published for free so if you are interested here
Date Watched: 12/11/2022
Gay: 0/10 No one is gay.
Twilight Influences: Some for sure.
Enjoyment: 2/10 For the dracula reveal but nothing ever happened. This is literally just a silent movie made in protest of bad movies. The only shots are of a desk lamp on the ground with different colored lighting.
Vampires: N/A. No vampires are shown. But dracula gets 1/10 for his cool font
Representative of 2020s? Too early to say.
Relative Popularity? Completely non existent. Someone even took this off the vampire wiki but I put it back.
***Note to the creator: If you are the person who made this movie and you just happened to find this website while searching for stuff about your random movie one day I want to say 1. Please message me and 2. I did not enjoy watching your movie at all but I respect it as a movie. It was terrible to get through and I don't recommend anyone else watch the whole thing but hey, we might be the only two people on Earth who have seen all of it. 3. Please message me please I need to talk to you it is now my life's goal to talk to you. (you can email me at please talk to me and I will try for as long as I can to keep your movie on the vampire wiki)