Lamp: The Movie That Really Shouldn't Exist Poster

You can only watch this movie online because it was never really released besides being published for free so if you are interested here

Date Watched: 12/11/2022

Gay: 0/10 No one is gay.

Twilight Influences: Some for sure.

Enjoyment: 2/10 For the dracula reveal but nothing ever happened. This is literally just a silent movie made in protest of bad movies. The only shots are of a desk lamp on the ground with different colored lighting.

Vampires: N/A. No vampires are shown. But dracula gets 1/10 for his cool font

Representative of 2020s? Too early to say.

Relative Popularity? Completely non existent. Someone even took this off the vampire wiki but I put it back.

***Note to the creator: If you are the person who made this movie and you just happened to find this website while searching for stuff about your random movie one day I want to say 1. Please message me and 2. I did not enjoy watching your movie at all but I respect it as a movie. It was terrible to get through and I don't recommend anyone else watch the whole thing but hey, we might be the only two people on Earth who have seen all of it. 3. Please message me please I need to talk to you it is now my life's goal to talk to you. (you can email me at please talk to me and I will try for as long as I can to keep your movie on the vampire wiki)


